= News = === 30 October 2014 === Discussion pages for development of QuakeML 2.0 packages have been created. === 14 March 2014 === Some of the QuakeML authors were co-convenors of the session '''Share your data with the community: Data models, metadata and services in seismology''' at the [[http://www.2eceesistanbul.org|Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology]] (August 24-29, 2014, Istanbul/Turkey). The session took place on Friday, August 29, 2014, 12:30-13:30. === 27 June 2013 === Update of standard definition document for version [[attachment:docs/REC/QuakeML-BED-20130214a.pdf|1.2]] with fixed RNG umbrella schema and new schema download hyperlinks. === 21 June 2013 === The schema (XSD and RNG) documents are available at non-https URLs, which can be useful, e.g., for online validation: [[http://quakeml.org/schema/xsd/|XML Schema]], [[http://quakeml.org/schema/rng/|Relax NG]] === 14 February 2013 === QuakeML version 1.2 has been released. Furthermore, it has been promoted from ''Proposed Recommendation'' to ''Recommendation'' status. === 28 January 2013 === Release candidate 5 of QuakeML version 1.2 (including standard definition document) is available on the [[Documents]] page. It contains only minor fixes compared to RC4. === 7 August 2012 === Release candidate 4 of QuakeML version 1.2 (including standard definition document) is available on the [[Documents]] page. === 6 September 2010 === Release candidate 3 of QuakeML version 1.2 is available on the [[Documents]] page. === 29 April 2010 === QuakeML version 1.2 is near its completion. The latest release candidates are available on the [[Documents]] page. === 16 December 2008 === QuakeML version 1.1 has been released. === 1 December 2008 === || The RFC process for QuakeML v1.0.1 has been closed || Thanks for all the comments which have been collected on the [[RFC_BED_1.0|Request for Comments]] page. We will now compile the standard document for the upcoming version 1.1, which is planned to be presented on 17 December at the [[http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08/|AGU Fall Meeting 2008]] in San Francisco. === 27 June 2008 === We have created a public mailing list for QuakeML. Please [[http://intensity.usc.edu/mailman/listinfo/quakeml|subscribe]] using the web interface. === 05-07 May 2008 === [[http://sismic.iec.cat/orfeusmeeting/|NEREIS/ORFEUS observatory coordination meeting]] in Barcelona ([[attachment:docs/talks/euchner-orfeus-barcelona-2008.pdf|talk]] on [[QuakeML]]). === 16-18 April 2008 === [[http://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/2008/index.html|SSA 2008 annual meeting]] in Santa Fe/USA ([[attachment:docs/talks/euchner-ssa2008.pdf|talk]] on [[QuakeML]]). === 25 February 2008 === There is a bugfix release (Version [[attachment:docs/PR/QuakeML-BED-20080225.pdf|1.0.1]]) which replaces the original version [[attachment:docs/PR/QuakeML-BED-20071213.pdf|1.0]]. Please use this version if you evaluate [[QuakeML]]. === 14 December 2007 === [[http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm07/|AGU Fall Meeting 2007]] in San Francisco/USA ([[attachment:docs/talks/IN52A-10-euchner-quakeml.pdf|talk]] on [[QuakeML]]). <
> || The RFC process for QuakeML v1.0 has started || The RFC process is documented on the [[RFC_BED_1.0]] page. Please edit this page to comment on [[QuakeML]] release 1.0. === 08-12 September 2007 === [[http://www.scec.org/meetings/2007am/|SCEC 2007 annual meeting]] in Palm Springs/USA ([[attachment:docs/posters/quakeml-euchner-scec2007.pdf|poster]] on [[QuakeML]]). === 24 June 2007 === We have set up a [[http://trac.edgewall.org/|trac]] web page for [[QuakeML]] developers at https://quake.ethz.ch/trac/quakeml/. On this page you can find detailed discussion on open issues, missing features etc. For login data, please contact us at [[mailto:quakeml@sed.ethz.ch|quakeml@sed.ethz.ch]]. === 07-11 May 2007 === ORFEUS/NERIES observatory coordination [[http://www.infp.ro/workshops/htdocs/site_Neries/index.htm workshop]] in Sinaia/Romania ([[attachment:docs/talks/QuakeML-Bucharest-2007-05-07-talk.pdf |talk]] and [[attachment:docs/posters/QuakeML-Bucharest-2007-05-07-poster.pdf|poster]] on [[QuakeML]]). === 15/16 January 2007 === Meeting on XML techniques at [[http://www.emsc-csem.org/|EMSC]] in Paris/France (meeting [[attachment:docs/notes/QuakeML-Minutes-Paris-15012007_RB.pdf|minutes]]). Linus Kamb from [[http://www.iris.edu/|IRIS-DMC]] and Ray Buland from [[http://www.usgs.gov/|USGS]] joined the [[QuakeML]] development team. === 09 January 2007 === [[QuakeML]] draft document (pre-RFC, version 0.5.1) sent out to participants of the NERIES XML meeting.