<> = Discussion on package ResourceMetadata = '''Quick navigation:''' go to package [[QuakeML2.0/WaveformDiscussion|Waveform]] | [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion|Common]] | [[QuakeML2.0/StrongMotionDiscussion|StrongMotion]] | [[QuakeML2.0/StationCharacterizationDiscussion|StationCharacterization]] | [[QuakeML2.0/BasicEventDescriptionTypesDiscussion|BasicEventDescriptionTypes]] | [[QuakeML2.0/BasicEventDescriptionDiscussion|BasicEventDescription]] | [[QuakeML2.0/SiteCharacterizationDiscussion|SiteCharacterization]] | [[QuakeML2.0/MacroseismicDiscussion|Macroseismic]] | [[QuakeML2.0/FilterDiscussion|Filter]] | [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion|ResourceMetadata]] | '''In current package (!ResourceMetadata):''' go to class [[#class_Author|Author]] | [[#class_LiteratureSource|LiteratureSource]] | [[#class_CreationInfo|CreationInfo]] | [[#class_InstitutionalAffiliation|InstitutionalAffiliation]] | [[#class_Contact|Contact]] | [[#class_AnnotatedLiteratureSource|AnnotatedLiteratureSource]] | [[#class_RelatedResource|RelatedResource]] | [[#class_FileResource|FileResource]] | [[#class_BibtexEntryType|BibtexEntryType]] | [[#class_RelationType|RelationType]] | ---- [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadata|ResourceMetadata overview page]] (!) [[attachment:QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadata/ResourceMetadata_diagram.pdf|ResourceMetadata class diagram]] -------- <> == Author [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.person''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Person|rm:Person]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.affiliation''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_PersonalAffiliation|rm:PersonalAffiliation]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.alternateAffiliation''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_PersonalAffiliation|rm:PersonalAffiliation]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.mbox''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.comment''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Comment|rm:Comment]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Author.positionInAuthorList''' (type positive int) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == LiteratureSource [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.identifier''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.type''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_DCMITypeURI|co:DCMITypeURI]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.bibtexType''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_BibtexEntryType|rm:BibtexEntryType]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.language''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_LanguageCodeURI|co:LanguageCodeURI]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.title''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.creator''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Author|rm:Author]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.author''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.editor''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.bibliographicCitation''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.date''' (type datetime) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.booktitle''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.volume''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.number''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.series''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.issue''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.year''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.edition''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.startPage''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.endPage''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.publisher''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.address''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.rights''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.rightsHolder''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.accessRights''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.license''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''LiteratureSource.publicationStatus''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == CreationInfo [type] == ''!CreationInfo'' is used to describe creation metadata (author, version, and creation time) of a resource. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.author''' (type string) Name describing the author of a resource. The string has a maximum length of 128 characters. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.authorURI''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) Resource identifier of the author of a resource (this could be, e.g., the author's ORCID). ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.agencyID''' (type string) Designation of agency that published a resource. The string has a maximum length of 64 characters. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.agencyURI''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) Resource identifier of the agency that published a resource. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.creationTime''' (type datetime) Time of creation of a resource, in ISO 8601 format. It has to be given in UTC. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.version''' (type string) Version string of a resource. ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.copyrightOwner''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.copyrightOwnerURI''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''!CreationInfo.license''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == InstitutionalAffiliation [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''InstitutionalAffiliation.institution''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Institution|rm:Institution]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''InstitutionalAffiliation.contactPerson''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_ContactPerson|rm:ContactPerson]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''InstitutionalAffiliation.comment''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Comment|rm:Comment]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == Contact [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Contact.person''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Person|rm:Person]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Contact.affiliation''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_PersonalAffiliation|rm:PersonalAffiliation]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Contact.email''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''Contact.phone''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == AnnotatedLiteratureSource [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''AnnotatedLiteratureSource.source''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_LiteratureSource|rm:LiteratureSource]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''AnnotatedLiteratureSource.annotation''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_Comment|rm:Comment]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == RelatedResource [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''RelatedResource.reference''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceIdentifier|co:ResourceIdentifier]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''RelatedResource.relationType''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_RelationType|rm:RelationType]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == FileResource [type] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.url''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_ResourceLocator|co:ResourceLocator]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.class''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.description''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.mediaType''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/CommonDiscussion#class_MediaTypeURI|co:MediaTypeURI]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.creationInfo''' (type [[QuakeML2.0/ResourceMetadataDiscussion#class_CreationInfo|rm:CreationInfo]]) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- <> '''FileResource.format''' (type string) TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- [[#page_top|top of page]] -------- <> == BibtexEntryType [enumeration] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#ARTICLE|ARTICLE]]: article * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#BOOK|BOOK]]: book * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#BOOKLET|BOOKLET]]: booklet * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#CONFERENCE|CONFERENCE]]: conference * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#INBOOK|INBOOK]]: inbook * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#INCOLLECTION|INCOLLECTION]]: incollection * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#INPROCEEDINGS|INPROCEEDINGS]]: inproceedings * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#MANUAL|MANUAL]]: manual * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#MASTERSTHESIS|MASTERSTHESIS]]: mastersthesis * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#MISC|MISC]]: misc * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#PHDTHESIS|PHDTHESIS]]: phdthesis * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#PROCEEDINGS|PROCEEDINGS]]: proceedings * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#TECHREPORT|TECHREPORT]]: techreport * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/BibtexEntryType#UNPUBLISHED|UNPUBLISHED]]: unpublished -------- <> == RelationType [enumeration] == TODO ---- ''Discussion area: please fill in your comments below (between the horizontal lines) and tag with your user name and the date of your comment.<
> Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21'' ---- * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#ISNEWVERSIONOF|ISNEWVERSIONOF]]: IsNewVersionOf * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#ISPREVIOUSVERSIONOF|ISPREVIOUSVERSIONOF]]: IsPreviousVersionOf * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#ISDERIVEDFROM|ISDERIVEDFROM]]: IsDerivedFrom * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#ISSOURCEOF|ISSOURCEOF]]: IsSourceOf * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#SUPERSEDES|SUPERSEDES]]: Supersedes * [[http://quakeml.org/vocab/resourcemetadata/1.0/RelationType#ISSUPERSEDEDBY|ISSUPERSEDEDBY]]: IsSupersededBy [[#page_top|top of page]]