
Request for Comments, QuakeML Basic Event Description, Version 1.0

RFC_BED_1.0 QuakeML 1.0 RFC Overview

Magnitude, Amplitude

This is the Request for Comments page for the QuakeML elements Magnitude and Amplitude. Please add comments which are related to these aspects of QuakeML at the bottom of the page. Please also give your name and the submission date.


Open Issue - Representation of duration magnitude

QuakeML version 1.0 seems to support both amplitudes and durations adequately in the Amplitude elements. However, the documentation needs to be more symmetric. In particular, to represent an amplitude, the amp attribute is required, but the timeWindow is not. However, to represent a duration, the reverse needs to be true (i.e., the amp should have a multiplicity of 0..1).

Ray Buland, 2008-02-01 (transferred from old trac Wiki by FabianEuchner)

Note: this comment refers to a pre-RFC discussion (FabianEuchner).

Ray Buland, 2008-02-05 (transferred from old trac Wiki by FabianEuchner)

Is there a possibility to set a Preferred Magnitude somewhere like it is possible for the preferred location ?

G. Mazet-Roux : mazet@emsc-csem.org 17/03/2008

last edited 2013-03-07 13:57:41 by FabianEuchner