= List of Ideas = == Seismicity Map == * Function: !AddCatalog(catalog, display parameters) * Colorize earthquakes by magnitude, depth, time, catalog (if multiple catalogs are shown) * Plot earthquake locations with uncertainties (based on the provided uncertainty in the catalog: horizontal error, ellipsoid, etc.) * Function: Export to Google Earth * Special plot: Earthquake density * Plot earthquakes semitransparent as overlay over topography * Function: Topography via TopoAPI == TopoAPI == Class to provide plots with topographical images. This API should also be accessible from [[http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/|GMT]]. * Use SRTM30, (GTOPO30), ETOPO5, and ETOPO2 * User can provide higher resolution DEM files * Download data (high resolution) from the [[http://seamless.usgs.gov/|Seamless Data Distribution System]] * Function: !GetTopoImage(min/max lat/lon, topo-source, colormap, light-gradient) * Function: !GetTopoData(min/max lat/lon, topo-source) == GMTAPI == Provides Functions for exporting of data and figures to GMT * Function: !ExportCatalog(catalog, parameters) * Export only locations (lon/lat) * Export locations with color-coded value, e.g., magnitude (lon/lat/value) * Export locations and focal mechanisms * Function: !ExportGrid(grid, parameters) * Function: !GetCoastlines (from pscoast) * Function: !GetNationalBoundaries (from pscoast) * Function: !GetRivers (from pscoast) == Display Grid Dialog == Displays values computed on a grid (like ZMAP's gui_result.m) * Large dialog box with plot area (right) and control area (left) * Offers list of computed values to choose from * Offers list of grids to choose from * Overlay seismicity * Overlay geographical information (coastlines, faults, highways, etc.) * Export grid to Google Earth including a selection of geographical information (e.g., faults) * Export a SVG plot * Export a EPS plot * Export data to GMT (see GMTAPI) * Mask colored data on a map with, e.g., national boundaries (usecase: display hazard values only for one country) * Read *.pov (!PovRay files) as colormaps (exported from [[http://www.gimp.org/|GIMP]]; pov2cpt for GMT colorbar output) == 3-D Gridding == * Extend GridML to cover 3-D grids * Convert 3-D grids to VTK for [[http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Index.html|Paraview]] or [[http://mayavi.sourceforge.net/|Mayavi]] * Explore use of [[https://svn.enthought.com/enthought/wiki/TVTK|TVTK]] == Miscellaneous == * Export any plot directly into [[http://www.inkscape.org/|Inkscape]]