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Differences between revisions 4 and 5
Revision 4 as of 2007-12-14 07:51:03
Size: 1115
Editor: adsl-68-124-66-255
Comment: Fabian Euchner
Revision 5 as of 2013-03-08 10:39:00
Size: 1279
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= Welcome to the QuakePy web site = = QuakePy =
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!QuakePy is designed as a set of tools for statistical analyses of earthquake catalogs. It provides a library of classes for earthquake catalog handling and computations. Many plot routines help visualizing obtained results. !QuakePy is developed in [http://www.python.org Python] as a fully open-source library. It makes use of multiple other tools like [http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ GMT] and supports [http://www.quakeml.org QuakeML], the XML description of seismological data. !QuakePy is designed as a set of tools for statistical analyses of earthquake catalogs. It provides a library of classes for earthquake catalog handling and computations. Many plot routines help visualizing obtained results. !QuakePy is developed in [[http://www.python.org|Python]] as a fully open-source library. It makes use of multiple other tools like [[http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/|GMT]] and supports [[http://www.quakeml.org|QuakeML]], the XML description of seismological data.
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!QuakePy is inspired by the functionality of [http://www.earthquake.ethz.ch/software/zmap ZMAP], a seismicity analysis toolbox for the use with [http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/ MatLab]. Although !QuakePy avoids the use of any proprietary software, many tools for Python allow for a !MatLab-like working environment, e.g., [http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/ IPython]. !MatLab users should take a look at the [http://www.scipy.org/Wiki/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users NumPy for Matlab Users] pages, which explain the similarities and differences between !MatLab and Python in the IPython shell. !QuakePy is inspired by the functionality of [[http://www.earthquake.ethz.ch/software/zmap|ZMAP]], a seismicity analysis toolbox for the use with [[http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/|MatLab]]. Although !QuakePy avoids the use of any proprietary software, many tools for Python allow for a !MatLab-like working environment, e.g., [[http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/|IPython]]. !MatLab users should take a look at the [[http://www.scipy.org/Wiki/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users|NumPy for Matlab Users]] pages, which explain the similarities and differences between !MatLab and Python in the IPython shell.

[[GettingQuakePy|Getting QuakePy / Download]]

[[ListOfPackages|List of Necessary Packages for QuakePy]]


[[ListOfIdeas|List of Ideas]]



QuakePy is designed as a set of tools for statistical analyses of earthquake catalogs. It provides a library of classes for earthquake catalog handling and computations. Many plot routines help visualizing obtained results. QuakePy is developed in Python as a fully open-source library. It makes use of multiple other tools like GMT and supports QuakeML, the XML description of seismological data.

QuakePy is inspired by the functionality of ZMAP, a seismicity analysis toolbox for the use with MatLab. Although QuakePy avoids the use of any proprietary software, many tools for Python allow for a MatLab-like working environment, e.g., IPython. MatLab users should take a look at the NumPy for Matlab Users pages, which explain the similarities and differences between MatLab and Python in the IPython shell.

Getting QuakePy / Download

List of Necessary Packages for QuakePy

List of Ideas
