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Package StrongMotion discussion

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Borehole | Common | Filter | Marsquake | SeismicSource | StationCharacterization | BasicEventDescription | BasicEventDescriptionTypes | StrongMotion | ResourceMetadata | SiteCharacterization | VSTypes | Waveform | Hydraulic |

In current package (StrongMotion): go to class

LiteratureSource | Rupture | OriginRecordReference | OriginDescription | StrongMotionRecord | StrongMotionParameters | SimpleFilterChainMember | Comment | PeakMotion |

StrongMotion overview page

(!) StrongMotion class diagram



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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.title (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.containertitle (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.type (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.publicationstatus (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.identifier (type urn)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.firstAuthor (type rm:Contact)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.secondaryAuthors (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.language (type string)


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LiteratureSource.page_from (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.page_to (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.volume (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.issue (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

LiteratureSource.year (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.faultID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.displacement (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.area (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.length (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.width (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.momentReleaseTop5km (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.riseTime (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.ruptureGeometryWKT (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.ruptureVelocity (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.shallowAsperity (type boolean)


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Rupture.shallowAsperityDepth (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.slipVelocity (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.stressdrop (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.surfaceRupture (type sm:SurfaceRupture)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.vr_to_vs (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.fwHwIndicator (type sm:FootwallHangingwallIndicator)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Rupture.referredStudy (type LiteratureSource)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.strongMotionRecordID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.distRupturedArea (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.campbellDistance (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.joynerBooreDistance (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.ruptureToStationAzimuth (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.closestFaultDistance (type co:RealQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.preEventLength (type float)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginRecordReference.postEventLength (type float)


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OriginDescription.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginDescription.originID (type co:ResourceReference)


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OriginDescription.waveformCount (type int)


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OriginDescription.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)


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OriginDescription.rupture (type Rupture)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

OriginDescription.originRecordReference (type OriginRecordReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.startTime (type co:TimeQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.duration (type float)


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StrongMotionRecord.waveformStreamID (type wf:WaveformStreamID)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.waveformFile (type rm:FileResource)


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StrongMotionRecord.gainUnit (type string)


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StrongMotionRecord.resampleRateDenominator (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.resampleRateNumerator (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.owner (type rm:Contact)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.filter (type SimpleFilterChainMember)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionRecord.peakMotion (type PeakMotion)


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StrongMotionParameters.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionParameters.description (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionParameters.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)


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StrongMotionParameters.originDescription (type OriginDescription)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionParameters.strongMotionRecord (type StrongMotionRecord)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

StrongMotionParameters.comment (type Comment)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

SimpleFilterChainMember.sequenceNo (type int)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

SimpleFilterChainMember.simpleFilter (type fi:SimpleFilter)


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Comment.text (type string)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type co:ResourceReference)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

Comment.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)


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PeakMotion.motion (type co:RealQuantity)


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PeakMotion.type (type string)


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PeakMotion.atTime (type co:TimeQuantity)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

PeakMotion.frequency (type float)


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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21

PeakMotion.method (type co:ResourceReference)


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