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30 October 2014

Discussion pages for development of QuakeML 2.0 packages have been created.

14 March 2014

Some of the QuakeML authors were co-convenors of the session Share your data with the community: Data models, metadata and services in seismology at the Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (August 24-29, 2014, Istanbul/Turkey). The session took place on Friday, August 29, 2014, 12:30-13:30.

27 June 2013

Update of standard definition document for version 1.2 with fixed RNG umbrella schema and new schema download hyperlinks.

21 June 2013

The schema (XSD and RNG) documents are available at non-https URLs, which can be useful, e.g., for online validation: XML Schema, Relax NG

14 February 2013

QuakeML version 1.2 has been released. Furthermore, it has been promoted from Proposed Recommendation to Recommendation status.

28 January 2013

Release candidate 5 of QuakeML version 1.2 (including standard definition document) is available on the Documents page. It contains only minor fixes compared to RC4.

7 August 2012

Release candidate 4 of QuakeML version 1.2 (including standard definition document) is available on the Documents page.

6 September 2010

Release candidate 3 of QuakeML version 1.2 is available on the Documents page.

29 April 2010

QuakeML version 1.2 is near its completion. The latest release candidates are available on the Documents page.

16 December 2008

QuakeML version 1.1 has been released.

1 December 2008

The RFC process for QuakeML v1.0.1 has been closed

Thanks for all the comments which have been collected on the Request for Comments page. We will now compile the standard document for the upcoming version 1.1, which is planned to be presented on 17 December at the AGU Fall Meeting 2008 in San Francisco.

27 June 2008

We have created a public mailing list for QuakeML. Please subscribe using the web interface.

05-07 May 2008

NEREIS/ORFEUS observatory coordination meeting in Barcelona (talk on QuakeML).

16-18 April 2008

SSA 2008 annual meeting in Santa Fe/USA (talk on QuakeML).

25 February 2008

There is a bugfix release (Version 1.0.1) which replaces the original version 1.0. Please use this version if you evaluate QuakeML.

14 December 2007

AGU Fall Meeting 2007 in San Francisco/USA (talk on QuakeML).

The RFC process for QuakeML v1.0 has started

The RFC process is documented on the RFC_BED_1.0 page. Please edit this page to comment on QuakeML release 1.0.

08-12 September 2007

SCEC 2007 annual meeting in Palm Springs/USA (poster on QuakeML).

24 June 2007

We have set up a trac web page for QuakeML developers at https://quake.ethz.ch/trac/quakeml/. On this page you can find detailed discussion on open issues, missing features etc. For login data, please contact us at quakeml@sed.ethz.ch.

07-11 May 2007

ORFEUS/NERIES observatory coordination http://www.infp.ro/workshops/htdocs/site_Neries/index.htm workshop in Sinaia/Romania (talk and poster on QuakeML).

15/16 January 2007

Meeting on XML techniques at EMSC in Paris/France (meeting minutes). Linus Kamb from IRIS-DMC and Ray Buland from USGS joined the QuakeML development team.

09 January 2007

QuakeML draft document (pre-RFC, version 0.5.1) sent out to participants of the NERIES XML meeting.