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Discussion on package BasicEventDescriptionTypes
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Waveform | Common | StationCharacterization | SeismicSource | ResourceMetadata | Borehole | BasicEventDescription | SiteCharacterization | VSTypes | StrongMotion | BasicEventDescriptionTypes | Filter | Hydraulic |
In current package (BasicEventDescriptionTypes): go to class
SourceTimeFunction | NodalPlanes | NodalPlane | CompositeTime | DataUsed | Axis | OriginQuality | Phase | Tensor | PrincipalAxes | ConfidenceEllipsoid | EventDescription | MTInversionType | AmplitudeUnit | MomentTensorCategory | AmplitudeCategory | OriginUncertaintyDescription | DataUsedWaveType | PickPolarity | OriginType | OriginDepthType | EventTypeCertainty | EventType | PickOnset | SourceTimeFunctionType | EventDescriptionType |
BasicEventDescriptionTypes overview page
BasicEventDescriptionTypes class diagram
SourceTimeFunction [type]
Source time function used in moment-tensor inversion.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SourceTimeFunction.decayTime (type float)
Source time function decay time. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SourceTimeFunction.duration (type float)
Source time function duration. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SourceTimeFunction.riseTime (type float)
Source time function rise time. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SourceTimeFunction.type (type bedt:SourceTimeFunctionType)
Type of source time function. Values can be taken from bedt:SourceTimeFunctionType.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlanes [type]
This class describes the nodal planes of a double-couple moment-tensor solution. The attribute preferredPlane can be used to define which plane is the preferred one.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlanes.nodalPlane1 (type bedt:NodalPlane)
First nodal plane of double-couple moment tensor solution.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlanes.nodalPlane2 (type bedt:NodalPlane)
Second nodal plane of double-couple moment tensor solution.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlanes.preferredPlane (type int)
Indicator for preferred nodal plane of moment tensor solution. It can take integer values 1 or 2.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlane [type]
This class describes a nodal plane using the attributes strike, dip, and rake. For a definition of the angles see Aki and Richards (1980).
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlane.strike (type co:RealQuantity)
Strike angle of nodal plane. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlane.dip (type co:RealQuantity)
Dip angle of nodal plane. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NodalPlane.rake (type co:RealQuantity)
Rake angle of nodal plane. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime [type]
Focal times differ significantly in their precision. While focal times of instrumentally located earthquakes are estimated precisely down to seconds, historic events have only incomplete time descriptions. Sometimes, even contradictory information about the rupture time exist. The CompositeTime type allows for such complex descriptions. If the specification is given with no greater accuracy than days (i.e., no time components are given), the date refers to local time. However, if time components are given, they have to refer to UTC. As an example, consider a historic earthquake in California, e.g., on 28 February 1730, with no time information given. Expressed in UTC, this day extends from 1730-02-28T08:00:00Z until 1730-03-01T08:00:00Z. Such a specification would be against intuition. Therefore, for date-time specifications without time components, local time is used. In the example, the CompositeTime attributes are simply year 1730, month 2, and day 28. In the corresponding time attribute of the origin, however, UTC has to be used. If the unknown time components are assumed to be zero, the value is 1730-02-28T08:00:00Z.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.year (type co:IntegerQuantity)
Year or range of years of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.month (type co:IntegerQuantity)
Month or range of months of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type co:IntegerQuantity)
Day or range of days of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.hour (type co:IntegerQuantity)
Hour or range of hours of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.minute (type co:IntegerQuantity)
Minute or range of minutes of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.second (type co:RealQuantity)
Second and fraction of seconds or range of seconds with fraction of the event’s focal time.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
CompositeTime.calendar (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed [type]
The DataUsed class describes the type of data that has been used for a moment-tensor inversion.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed.componentCount (type int)
Number of data components of the type given in waveType.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed.longestPeriod (type float)
Longest period present in data. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed.shortestPeriod (type float)
Shortest period present in data. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed.stationCount (type int)
Number of stations that have contributed data of the type given in waveType.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
DataUsed.waveType (type bedt:DataUsedWaveType)
Type of waveform data. This can be one of the values given in bedt:DataUsedWaveType.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Axis [type]
This class describes an eigenvector of a moment tensor expressed in its principal-axes system. It uses the angles azimuth, plunge, and the eigenvalue length.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Axis.azimuth (type co:RealQuantity)
Azimuth of eigenvector of moment tensor expressed in principal-axes system. Measured clockwise from South-North direction at epicenter. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Axis.plunge (type co:RealQuantity)
Plunge of eigenvector of moment tensor expressed in principal-axes system. Measured against downward vertical direction at epicenter. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Axis.length (type co:RealQuantity)
Eigenvalue of moment tensor expressed in principal-axes system. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality [type]
This type contains various attributes commonly used to describe the quality of an origin, e. g., errors, azimuthal coverage, etc. Origin objects have an optional attribute of the type OriginQuality.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.associatedPhaseCount (type int)
Number of associated phases, regardless of their use for origin computation.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.usedPhaseCount (type int)
Number of defining phases, i. e., phase observations that were actually used for computing the origin. Note that there may be more than one defining phase per station.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.associatedStationCount (type int)
Number of stations at which the event was observed.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.usedStationCount (type int)
Number of stations from which data was used for origin computation.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.depthPhaseCount (type int)
Number of depth phases (typically pP, sometimes sP) used in depth computation.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.standardError (type float)
RMS of the travel time residuals of the arrivals used for the origin computation. Unit: s
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.azimuthalGap (type float)
Largest azimuthal gap in station distribution as seen from epicenter. For an illustration of azimuthal gap and secondary azimuthal gap (see below), see Fig. 5 of Bond´ar et al. (2004). Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.secondaryAzimuthalGap (type float)
Secondary azimuthal gap in station distribution, i. e., the largest azimuthal gap a station closes. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.groundTruthLevel (type string)
String describing ground-truth level, e. g. GT0, GT5, etc. It has a maximum length of 32 characters.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.maximumDistance (type float)
Epicentral distance of station farthest from the epicenter. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.minimumDistance (type float)
Epicentral distance of station closest to the epicenter. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginQuality.medianDistance (type float)
Median epicentral distance of used stations. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Phase [type]
Generic and extensible phase description that currently contains the phase code only.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Phase.code (type string)
Phase code as given in the IASPEI Standard Seismic Phase List (Storchak et al. 2003). String with a maximum length of 32 characters.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor [type]
The Tensor class represents the six moment-tensor elements Mrr, Mtt, Mpp, Mrt, Mrp, Mtp in the spherical coordinate system defined by local upward vertical (r), North-South (t), and West-East (p) directions. See Aki and Richards (1980) for conversions to other coordinate systems.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mrr (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mrr. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mtt (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mtt. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mpp (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mpp. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mrt (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mrt. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mrp (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mrp. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Tensor.Mtp (type co:RealQuantity)
Moment-tensor element Mtp. Unit: Nm
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PrincipalAxes [type]
This class describes the principal axes of a double-couple moment tensor solution. tAxis and pAxis are required, while nAxis is optional.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PrincipalAxes.tAxis (type bedt:Axis)
T (tension) axis of a double-couple moment tensor solution.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PrincipalAxes.pAxis (type bedt:Axis)
P (pressure) axis of a double-couple moment tensor solution.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PrincipalAxes.nAxis (type bedt:Axis)
N (neutral) axis of a double-couple moment tensor solution.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid [type]
This class represents a description of the location uncertainty as a confidence ellipsoid with arbitrary orientation in space. The orientation of a rigid body in three-dimensional Euclidean space can be described by three parameters. We use the convention of Euler angles, which can be interpreted as a composition of three elemental rotations (i.e., rotations around a single axis). In the special case of Euler angles we use here, the angles are referred to as Tait-Bryan (or Cardan) angles. These angles may be familiar to the reader from their application in flight dynamics, and are referred to as heading (yaw, \psi), elevation (attitude, pitch, \phi), and bank (roll, \theta). For a definition of the angles, see the follwing figure (Tait-Bryan).
Through the three elemental rotations, a Cartesian system (x, y, z) centered at the epicenter, with the South-North direction x, the West-East direction y, and the downward vertical direction z, is transferred into a different Cartesian system (X, Y , Z) centered on the confidence ellipsoid. Here, X denotes the direction of the major axis, and Y denotes the direction of the minor axis of the ellipsoid. Note that Figure (Tait-Bryan) can be interpreted as a hypothetical view from the interior of the Earth to the inner face of a shell representing Earth’s surface. The three Tait-Bryan rotations are performed as follows: (i) a rotation about the Z axis with angle \psi (heading, or azimuth); (ii) a rotation about the Y axis with angle \phi (elevation, or plunge); and (iii) a rotation about the X axis with angle \theta (bank). Note that in the case of Tait-Bryan angles, the rotations are performed about the ellipsoid’s axes, not about the axes of the fixed (x, y, z) Cartesian system.
majorAxisPlunge corresponds to elevation (\phi), majorAxisAximuth corresponds to heading (\psi), and majorAxisRotation corresponds to bank (\theta).
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMajorAxisLength (type float)
Largest uncertainty, corresponding to the semi-major axis of the confidence ellipsoid. Unit: m
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiMinorAxisLength (type float)
Smallest uncertainty, corresponding to the semi-minor axis of the confidence ellipsoid. Unit: m
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.semiIntermediateAxisLength (type float)
Uncertainty in direction orthogonal to major and minor axes of the confidence ellipsoid. Unit: m
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisPlunge (type float)
Plunge angle of major axis of confidence ellipsoid. Corresponds to Tait-Bryan angle \phi. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisAzimuth (type float)
Azimuth angle of major axis of confidence ellipsoid. Corresponds to Tait-Bryan angle \psi. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ConfidenceEllipsoid.majorAxisRotation (type float)
This angle describes a rotation about the confidence ellipsoid’s major axis which is required to define the direction of the ellipsoid’s minor axis. Corresponds to Tait-Bryan angle \theta. Unit: deg
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventDescription [type]
Free-form string with additional event description. This can be a well-known name, like 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. A number of categories can be given in type.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventDescription.text (type string)
Free-form text with earthquake description.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventDescription.type (type bedt:EventDescriptionType)
Category of earthquake description. Values can be taken from bedt:EventDescriptionType.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MTInversionType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
GENERAL: general
ZERO_TRACE: zero trace
DOUBLE_COUPLE: double couple
AmplitudeUnit [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MomentTensorCategory [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
TELESEISMIC: teleseismic
REGIONAL: regional
AmplitudeCategory [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OriginUncertaintyDescription [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
HORIZONTAL: horizontal uncertainty
ELLIPSE: uncertainty ellipse
ELLIPSOID: confidence ellipsoid
DataUsedWaveType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
P_WAVES: P waves
BODY_WAVES: body waves
SURFACE_WAVES: surface waves
MANTLE_WAVES: mantle waves
COMBINED: combined
UNKNOWN: unknown
PickPolarity [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NEGATIVE: negative
UNDECIDABLE: undecidable
OriginType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
HYPOCENTER: hypocenter
CENTROID: centroid
AMPLITUDE: amplitude
MACROSEISMIC: macroseismic
RUPTURE_START: rupture start
RUPTURE_END: rupture end
OriginDepthType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FROM_LOCATION: from location
FROM_MOMENT_TENSOR_INVERSION: from moment tensor inversion
BROAD_BAND_P_WAVEFORMS: from modeling of broad-band P waveforms
CONSTRAINED_BY_DEPTH_PHASES: constrained by depth phases
CONSTRAINED_BY_DIRECT_PHASES: constrained by direct phases
CONSTRAINED_BY_DEPTH_AND_DIRECT_PHASES: constrained by depth and direct phases
OPERATOR_ASSIGNED: operator assigned
EventTypeCertainty [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventType [enumeration]
Describes the type of an event (Storchak et al. 2012). Allowed values are the following:
I propose a new hierarchical classification scheme for QuakeML-BED v1.3. I think ANTHROPOGENIC_EVENT should not be a first-level class and can be omitted from the classification, since for most categories it is obvious whether they are natural or anthropogenic.
FabianEuchner, 2017-16-16 (updated 2017-07-05)
NOT_EXISTING: not existing
NOT_REPORTED: not reported
EARTHQUAKE: earthquake
ANTHROPOGENIC_EVENT: anthropogenic event
COLLAPSE: collapse
CAVITY_COLLAPSE: cavity collapse
MINE_COLLAPSE: mine collapse
BUILDING_COLLAPSE: building collapse
EXPLOSION: explosion
ACCIDENTAL_EXPLOSION: accidental explosion
CHEMICAL_EXPLOSION: chemical explosion
CONTROLLED_EXPLOSION: controlled explosion
EXPERIMENTAL_EXPLOSION: experimental explosion
INDUSTRIAL_EXPLOSION: industrial explosion
MINING_EXPLOSION: mining explosion
QUARRY_BLAST: quarry blast
ROAD_CUT: road cut
BLASTING_LEVEE: blasting levee
NUCLEAR_EXPLOSION: nuclear explosion
INDUCED_OR_TRIGGERED_EVENT: induced or triggered event
ROCK_BURST: rock burst
RESERVOIR_LOADING: reservoir loading
FLUID_INJECTION: fluid injection
FLUID_EXTRACTION: fluid extraction
CRASH: crash
PLANE_CRASH: plane crash
TRAIN_CRASH: train crash
BOAT_CRASH: boat crash
OTHER_EVENT: other event
ATMOSPHERIC_EVENT: atmospheric event
SONIC_BOOM: sonic boom
SONIC_BLAST: sonic blast
ACOUSTIC_NOISE: acoustic noise
THUNDER: thunder
AVALANCHE: avalanche
SNOW_AVALANCHE: snow avalanche
DEBRIS_AVALANCHE: debris avalanche
HYDROACOUSTIC_EVENT: hydroacoustic event
ICE_QUAKE: ice quake
SLIDE: slide
LANDSLIDE: landslide
ROCKSLIDE: rockslide
METEORITE: meteorite
VOLCANIC_ERUPTION: volcanic eruption
PickOnset [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EMERGENT: emergent
IMPULSIVE: impulsive
QUESTIONABLE: questionable
SourceTimeFunctionType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventDescriptionType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FELT_REPORT: felt report
FLINN_ENGDAHL_REGION: Flinn-Engdahl region
LOCAL_TIME: local time
TECTONIC_SUMMARY: tectonic summary
NEAREST_CITIES: nearest cities
EARTHQUAKE_NAME: earthquake name
REGION_NAME: region name