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TODO | The Macroseismic Data Point (MDP), correspond to a macroseismic observation, and it is defined by the combination of four key elements: 1) a source of information, 2) a seismic event, 3) a place, and 4) a macroseismic intensity. |
Discussion on package Macroseismic
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Waveform | Common | StrongMotion | StationCharacterization | BasicEventDescriptionTypes | BasicEventDescription | SiteCharacterization | Macroseismic | Filter | ResourceMetadata |
In current package (Macroseismic): go to class
PlaceName | MacroseismicIntensity | ReportReference | MDP | MacroseismicOrigin | MacroseismicMagnitude | MDPReference | MDPSet | MDPSetReference | EventConsequences | MacroseismicEvent | Place | MacroseismicParameters | PlaceNameType | MDPPlaceType |
PlaceName [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PlaceName.type (type ms:PlaceNameType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PlaceName.alternateType (type ms:PlaceNameType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PlaceName.language (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PlaceName.epoch (type co:OpenEpoch)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicIntensity [type]
A cumulative measure of the effects of an earthquake at a particular place at the Earth’s surface on humans and (or) structures and thus a measure of the strength of earthquake shaking. Different from magnitude, the intensity at a point depends not only on the earthquake strength (released seismic energy) or earthquake size (released seismic moment), but also on the epicentral distance, the focal depth, the position of the observation point with respect to the type of focal mechanism and its directivity, and the local site conditions.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicIntensity.macroseismicScale (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
Macroseismic intensity assessments assign integer numerals to observed physical damages and perceived motions, thus classifying the shaking strength observed at a site. When these intensity classes are arranged in a systematic and mutually linked reasonable way, they form a macroseismic scale.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicIntensity.expectedIntensity (type ms:IntensityValueType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicIntensity.maximalCredibleIntensity (type ms:IntensityValueType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicIntensity.minimalCredibleIntensity (type ms:IntensityValueType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ReportReference [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ReportReference.eqReportID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP [element]
The Macroseismic Data Point (MDP), correspond to a macroseismic observation, and it is defined by the combination of four key elements: 1) a source of information, 2) a seismic event, 3) a place, and 4) a macroseismic intensity.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.placeReference (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.intensity (type ms:MacroseismicIntensity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.reportCount (type positive int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.reportedTime (type co:TimeQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.eventReference (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.methodID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.quality (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.evaluationMode (type co:EvaluationMode)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.evaluationStatus (type co:EvaluationStatus)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.reportReference (type ms:ReportReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.relatedMDP (type rm:RelatedResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDP.comment (type rm:Comment)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.originReference (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.definingMDPSet (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.contributingMDPCount (type positive int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.epicentralIntensity (type ms:MacroseismicIntensity)
The intensity of macroseismic shaking observed at (or inferred to be) the epicenter of a strong earthquake, usually abbreviated as Io.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.maximumIntensity (type ms:MacroseismicIntensity)
Maximum macroseismic intensity value experienced in a particular earthquake.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicOrigin.relatedMacroseismicOrigin (type rm:RelatedResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude [element]
A magnitude value determined on the basis of macroseismic data, either from Epicentral Intensity, or by means of repeatable procedures (computer codes) considering all Macroseismic Data Points, or by expert judgment.
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.magnitudeReference (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.definingMDPSet (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.contributingMDPCount (type positive int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicMagnitude.relatedMacroseismicMagnitude (type rm:RelatedResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPReference [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPReference.mdpID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPReference.isValid (type boolean)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPReference.validityComment (type rm:Comment)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.methodID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.mdpCount (type positive int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.maximumIntensity (type ms:MacroseismicIntensity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.mdpReference (type ms:MDPReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.relatedMDPSet (type rm:RelatedResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSet.comment (type rm:Comment)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSetReference [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MDPSetReference.mdpSetID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.fatalities (type co:IntegerQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.fatalityDescription (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.injured (type co:IntegerQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.injuredDescription (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.homeless (type co:IntegerQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
EventConsequences.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.eventReference (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.preferredMDPSetID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.preferredMacroseismicOriginID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.preferredEventConsequencesID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.mdpSetReference (type ms:MDPSetReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicEvent.eventConsequences (type ms:EventConsequences)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place [element]
A particular place affected by some earthquake, where some level of severity of shaking is typical of what was experienced. This entails, firstly, that the settlement is large enough for a statistically significant sample to be obtained, without being unduly affected by small-scale local peculiarities, and secondly, that it is not so large that genuine local variations are not blurred over. Intensity should not be assigned to a single building or street; neither should a single intensity be assigned to a metropolis or a county. In general circumstances, the smallest place should be no smaller than a village, and the largest no larger than a moderately-sized European town. Thus it is reasonable to assign a single intensity value to, say, Piraeus, but not to the whole of modern Athens. No rigid rules will be stated, since individual circumstances will influence the user in the decisions he makes in particular cases. It is also desirable to assign intensity values to locations which are reasonably homogeneous, especially with regard to soil types, otherwise the range of shaking effects reported may be very large. However, this is not always practicable, depending on the precision in the data and how they were gathered. In the case where a town has areas in which the geotechnical conditions are very different (for instance, one half might be on an alluvial bank but the other on a plateau) then different intensity values should be assessed for the two parts of the town independently. [ text extracted from the European Macroseismic Scale 1998, EMS-98 ]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.preferredName (type ms:PlaceName)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.epoch (type co:OpenEpoch)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.referenceLatitude (type co:RealQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.referenceLongitude (type co:RealQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.horizontalUncertainty (type float)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.geometry (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.externalGazetteer (type co:RegisteredIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.type (type ms:MDPPlaceType)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.zipCode (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.isoCountryCode (type co:CountryCodeURI)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.altitude (type co:RealQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.siteMorphology (type stc:SiteMorphology)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
Place.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type ms:PlaceName)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.publicID (type co:ResourceIdentifier)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.mdp (type ms:MDP)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.macroseismicOrigin (type ms:MacroseismicOrigin)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.macroseismicMagnitude (type ms:MacroseismicMagnitude)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.mdpSet (type ms:MDPSet)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
MacroseismicParameters.macroseismicEvent (type ms:MacroseismicEvent)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21 (type ms:Place)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
PlaceNameType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
OFFICIAL: official
ENDONYM: endonym
EXONYM: exonym
HISTORICAL: historical
REPORTED: reported
SHORTENED: shortened
MDPPlaceType [enumeration]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ISOLATED_BUILDING: isolated building
SETTLEMENT: settlement
DESERTED_SETTLEMENT: deserted settlement
MULTIPLE_SETTLEMENT: multiple settlement
NEIGHBOURHOOD: neighbourhood
HAMLET: hamlet
MUNICIPALITY: municipality
DISTRICT: district
REGION: region
PARISH: parish
DIOCESE: diocese
MOUNTAIN: mountain
VALLEY: valley
LAKE: lake
ISLAND: island
ABSORBED: absorbed
NOT_IDENTIFIED: not identified