Discussion on package StationCharacterization
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Waveform | Common | StationCharacterization | SeismicSource | ResourceMetadata | Borehole | BasicEventDescription | SiteCharacterization | VSTypes | StrongMotion | BasicEventDescriptionTypes | Filter | Hydraulic |
In current package (StationCharacterization): go to class
SiteMorphology | ObjectReference | FileResource | StationOwner | SensorLocationDescription | StationDescription | NetworkDescription | SiteOwner | StationCharacterizationParameters |
StationCharacterization overview page
StationCharacterization class diagram
SiteMorphology [type]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.basinFlagLiteratureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.bedrockDepth (type int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.bedrockDepthLiteratureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.geologicalSurfaceAge (type co:IntegerQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.geologicalUnit (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.groundwaterDepth (type int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.groundwaterDepthLiteratureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.morphology (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.morphologyLiteratureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.referenceBorehole (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.sedimentaryBasinName (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.siteClassDescription (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.siteClassEC8 (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.siteClassEC8LiteratureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.siteClassSIA261 (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.siteClassSIA261Source (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteMorphology.SurfaceLayerGranularity (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ObjectReference [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
ObjectReference.objectID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FileResource [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FileResource.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FileResource.file (type rm:FileResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
FileResource.objectReference (type stc:ObjectReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationOwner [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationOwner.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationOwner.contact (type rm:Contact)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.distanceToBuilding (type co:RealQuantity)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.housingClass (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.housingDescription (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.inBuilding (type boolean)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.storeyCount (type int)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.sensorLocationCode (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.sensorLocationReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SensorLocationDescription.boreholeReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.creationInfo (type rm:CreationInfo)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.literatureSource (type rm:LiteratureSource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.name (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredAmplificationFunction (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredClassicalTravelTimeVelocity (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredDispersionCurve (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredDominantFrequencyAnalysis (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredHVAnalysis (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredSiteAnalysis (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.preferredVelocityProfile (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.secondaryStationCode (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.siteContact (type rm:Contact)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.siteMorphology (type stc:SiteMorphology)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.siteOwnerReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.stationCode (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.stationOwnerReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.stationReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationDescription.sensorLocationDescription (type stc:SensorLocationDescription)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription.networkCode (type string)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription.owner (type rm:Contact)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription.networkReference (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
NetworkDescription.stationDescription (type stc:StationDescription)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteOwner [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteOwner.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
SiteOwner.contact (type rm:Contact)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters [element]
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters.publicID (type co:ResourceReference)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters.fileResource (type stc:FileResource)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters.stationOwner (type stc:StationOwner)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters.networkDescription (type stc:NetworkDescription)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21
StationCharacterizationParameters.siteOwner (type stc:SiteOwner)
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Example: FabianEuchner, 2014-10-21